Student Support Specialist
Triumph Through Trials
In August of 2020, Josh Beighley embarked on a lengthy flight from his home in Hong Kong to the United States. The world continued to be affected by a global pandemic, which made travel more laborious. After an oceanic flight across multiple time zones, Josh eventually arrived in Tucson to begin his academic journey at the University of Arizona.
Due to safety measures in place at the time, university classes were only being offered virtually. This lack of in-person teaching proved to be a challenge for Josh and he struggled to stay focused with online lectures and assignments. As a result, he ended up on academic warning after his first semester and was then placed on academic probation in the spring.
Josh was determined to turn things around as he began his second year at Arizona. Upon returning in the fall, Josh sought academic advising support and changed his major to Urban and Regional Development. He also began to strengthen his college-level study skills by pursuing every resource available through the SALT Center. From tutoring appointments, specialist meetings, and academic intervention sessions, Josh crafted a plan and summoned the determination to put it into action. With this consistent support, accountability, and encouragement, Josh’s second year at the university reflected new hope as his GPA rose and he came off academic probation.
Digging Deeper
Despite being off probation, Josh decided to continue meeting regularly with his academic intervention coordinator, as he realized the value of this added support.
During this time, Josh also found the motivation to begin tackling difficult tasks like reading classic novels that he had struggled with in high school due to his learning challenge. This experience raised his confidence and improved his reading and critical thinking skills. He also nurtured his interests in sustainability, fashion, urban development, philosophy, and business. His growing interest in economics prompted him to declare that as his minor. He took a long break from social media to eliminate further distractions. Josh consistently attended his weekly SALT Center meetings, used time management tools, and study strategies such as the 8-Day Study Plan.
From Setbacks to Success
Just as things were improving academically, a major setback occurred during Josh’s sophomore year. He was diagnosed with a serious medical condition that required frequent diagnostic tests. At times, he had to miss a substantial amount of school. In addition to not feeling his best, Josh needed flexibility with his schedule. He sought support from the university’s Disability Resource Center to get the accommodations that would work for him. Josh continued to push forward with his academics while attending to his physical wellbeing, which included trying to get substantial rest and quality nutrition (not an easy task for college students).
As Josh began to heal, he looked ahead. He focused on his future and his dream of eventually attending a prestigious graduate school. However, to be competitive, he knew he would have to raise his GPA even higher. As a junior and senior, he began to retake the classes in which he had performed poorly during his first and second semesters, taking advantage of the university’s Grade Replacement Opportunity.
Josh possessed the academic maturity and foresight to understand the importance of this decision, even if the goal was a long way off. He humbled himself to improve his grades, even if it meant sitting in several first-year classes as a senior. As a result, Josh’s GPA continued to rise, and he graduated earlier this year with renewed determination to continue his educational journey toward graduate school.
Because of his outstanding resilience and dedication, Josh was selected as the 2024 winner of the prestigious and highly competitive David Livingston White Award.

David Livingston White Award
Each year, the SALT Center selects a student to receive the David Livingston White Award. Recipients demonstrate exceptional perseverance and determination while pursuing their academic goals. This prestigious award honors the man for whom it is named.
David Livingston White graduated from the University of Arizona at the age of 73. He obtained his degree in 2011, and never lost sight of this goal even though he battled cancer for many years. Upon graduation, David’s siblings purchased a class ring for him. The ring was the perfect way to commemorate David’s accomplishment. When David passed away, his family generously established an endowment in David’s name to support SALT Center programming. Each year, a portion of the funds are also used to purchase a class ring for one graduating student who has demonstrated extraordinary perseverance. The SALT Center is grateful to David’s family, and we are honored to recognize Josh Beighley as recipient of this award for 2024.
Visit to learn more about David Livingston White and past award recipients.
Table of Contents
Welcome from the Executive Director: Dr. Gabrielle Miller
Going Further with the SALT Center: Alumni Stories
Transitioning from Coach to Cheerleader: Helping Your Student Reach New Heights
CALES Learning Lab: Transforming the College Journey
Josh Beighley: David Livingston White Award Winner
The Growing Impact of SALT Center Scholarships
Lives Forever Changed: Personal Stories of Gratitude
Graduation: Honoring A Monumental Achievement