Discover educational and assistive technology to empower your academic success.

Collaborative Technology Engages a Student in a Tutoring Session
Students may schedule appointments for support with the following:
SALT Center Statement on the Use of Generative AI
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI are artificial intelligence (AI) models that answer questions in a conversational way. Instead of returning a series of websites like a search engine, generative AI provides a summarized sentence, paragraph, or essay. It can even write poetry or create data tables. ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, and DALL-E are examples of generative AI models.
AI is a tool you might use as part of the learning process and it is not a replacement for your own critical thinking.
Academic Integrity
Generative AI models should never be used to write papers or assignments for you. Doing so violates the university’s academic integrity policy. Academic integrity is trustworthiness about where you got your information and how your finished product was made. Original work is an expectation at the university level.
Your instructors will provide more guidance about whether generative AI can be used in their courses. You can face penalties for academic integrity violations using generative AI.
Go to a Gear Up! Attend our hands-on Ed Tech Workshops!
Gear-Ups will be held during the first week of school to help new students get ready for academic success. These hands-on workshops focus on digital organization. We will install essential software, go over important U of A applications, and assist in setting up a productive, digital workspace. Incoming students will be pre-assigned a workshop time. Times will be sent via email, and students will be reminded at the New Student Experience before the semester begins.