Register for Taste of SALT only (in-person or online)

Step 1:

Click the link below to go to the University of Arizona Visit Campus & Tours page

Visit Campus & Tours | University of Arizona
Step 2:

Scroll down to "Explore Tours and Events by Date"

Explore Tours and Events by Date
Step 3:

Click on the "Academic Info Sessions" tab above the calendar. 

Academic Info Sessions
Step 4:

Refer to the calendar and click on a date convenient for you. Locate a Taste of SALT event on the list next to the calendar: both in-person and virtual formats are available (see arrows in the image below).

Virtual or in person taste of SALT
Step 5:

Click the green "Registration" button to continue. This will lead you to a form where you are able to fill out your personal information and confirm registration. We look forward to seeing you soon!