Laurel Grigg Mason, Ph.D.

Director, Bartlett Labs

Role at the SALT Center: Bartlett Labs is the assessment, research, and training arm of the SALT Center. In my role as director, I lead our data management and assessment efforts and evaluate new service offerings. In addition, I build and maintain relationships with stakeholders from around the world to conduct research, collaborate on projects of shared interest, and disseminate information about supporting college students with learning differences.

Education: The University of California, Irvine, B.A., Psychology & Social Behavior, B.A., Sociology; The University of Arizona, M.A., Higher Education; Ph.D., Higher Education

Hometown: La Crescenta, California

Professional Associations: American Educational Research Association; Learning Disabilities Association of America

Activities/Interests: My hobbies are cooking, eating, exercising, and spending time with my husband and daughter. When I have the time, I enjoy triathlon, road cycling, running, and hiking. I also have a noisy cat named Jack.