Student Contributor

Photo courtesy of Sam Pechersky
Hello, my name is Sam Pechersky and I am a senior in Creative Writing with a minor in theater. I started using the SALT Center during my sophomore year. This, along with in-person classes, was responsible for me getting a 4.0 GPA four semesters in a row. The three main resources that helped me become a better student were writing feedback, weekly meetings with my Support Specialist, and the SALT Center’s counseling services. I’ve also really enjoyed some of the social activities which have allowed me to get a much-needed break from my class work.
I’ve primarily used the SALT Center’s tutoring services for their writing feedback, where I can easily upload my papers through their online system. Tutor reviews have been helpful since they allow my papers to get a second pair of eyes on them to see if things make sense. I have difficulty noticing typos and minor grammar mistakes, so it has helped my papers be free of writing errors. The writing feedback system has also been very easy to use. I just put my paper in, along with some information, and the rest takes care of itself.
I have had two Support Specialists during my time at the SALT Center and both have been helpful in guiding me toward better organization and creating a system to keep track of my assignment due dates. They were also helpful when I messed up or forgot assignments. Once, I accidentally missed an online quiz for one of my classes. I was angry and resigned myself to a bad grade. My Support Specialist encouraged me to email the teacher about it. I didn’t think it was going to do anything, but she urged me to do so anyway. That email allowed me to take the missed quiz. Without her assistance, my overall class grade would have been significantly worse. They help keep me in check.
Most of all, I have benefited from the SALT Center’s Psychological and Wellness Services. I have had two counselors who have helped me become more selfaware. I’ve learned why I think the way I do, and how it has seeped into my inner voice. Both counselors were very accommodating and nice. It truly felt like a safe place to speak whatever was troubling me. I have learned strategies that I have implemented into my everyday life. I would be worse off as a person without their help.
Lastly, the social events at the SALT Center have also provided a welcome change of pace for me. It was nice to interact with other people and do fun activities. The student engagement events, especially ‘Paint-a-Pot’ and painting a cactus hugging a balloon, are both happy memories. The cactus that I planted during the event makes me happy every time I see it.
Having been part of my college life since my sophomore year, I’d like to say ‘Thank you' to the SALT Center for helping me become a better student. I can’t imagine my college life without the SALT Center in it.